At 03:37 PM 3/28/2009, you wrote:

>1.  Do any of you with tailwheels have any adjustment between the 
>tailwheel and rudder?  Turnbuckle etc.?  This is to align the 
>tailwheel and rudder.
My cables attach inside the fuselage and exit through separate fare leads.
I use small chain links, add / remove, to adjust tension on the tailwheel
cables.  I use springs on my tailwheel.  They are the Maule tailwheel
springs from A.S.&S.  My rudder cables are spring loaded at the
rudder peddles.  I remove as much slack as possible from the tailwheel
cables by removing links in the chain but not putting tension on the
rudder cables.  I don't want any slack in the rudder cable from the
common attach point inside the fuselage back to the rudder itself.
My tailwheel is steerable / full swivel beyond about 30 degrees.  My
KR handles as well on the ground, takeoff, and landing as many
nose wheel aircraft.  It is awesome !!!!  I wouldn't change a thing.

Larry Flesner

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