area=1.875 sq ft speed=110*5280/3600=161.3 ft/sec dyn press=.00238*.5*161.3*161.3=31 lb/sq ft Cd for finite plate is 1.45 (not 1 because of wake drag - see Horner text)
So force on the board is Cd * dyn press * area = 84 lbs which you can estimate acts at the center of the board. You then need to figure in the geometry of the horn to see what mech. advantage you have. The stroke length doesn't help much because the moment arm will change with angle - it all depends how it is set up. What is the distance from the horn attachment to the hinge line normal to the actuator axis at full deflection? Guys let me know if I have slipped a decimal somewhere. I know there has to be a formula out there to figure this and I hope someone smarter than me can tell me the pounds of force I need to accomplish a smooth and full deployment to 80 degrees from fuselage bottom. Oh yea, The stroke is 7 inches.