Solly Melyon-Mgr AeroMax Aviation, LLC 229.241.1175
--- On Fri, 3/13/09, David Weaver <> wrote: From: David Weaver <> Subject: Pulsar Fire To: List-Post: Date: Friday, March 13, 2009, 6:20 PM Austin, You did not ref. any fire extinguisher carried in your Pulsar. A compact halon extinguisher discharged into a cowl air inlet, before killing valuable time attempting to remove retaining screws, could make the difference in getting a fire under control and loosing the airplane. I was almost 1/4 mile from my hangar when I had a fire during a taxi run. If I had failed to carry an on-board extinguisher, I might have lost my investment of time and money. It is not enough to carry a fire extinguisher - one needs to mentally rehearse its proper application and be prepared to act in the absence of anyone else available to help. Dave Weaver