I got this from Larry Howell. The picture won't make it, but the words will get his point across...
Subject: Ray Goree Dear Mark, The photo of Ray Goree attached here is one I took in the little cafe at the 2007 Gathering there at the airport. That was the first time I had met Ray. We spent some time together, getting to know one another a little bit, since he was from a town about 30 miles east of me. He was extremely excited about the KR aircraft, actually he had a ton of enthusiasm, I began to think that maybe I didn't have enough enthusiasm towards my KR. AT this years Gathering I spent more time with him, we had fun kidding each other about anything. After the Gathering we began a long series of emails about planes, politics and whatever. The last email I received from him was January 23, 2009. I emailed him a few more times with no response, so I began to sense that something was wrong but continued to wait and see. I thought maybe he and his wife had taken a trip or something hopefully. When I saw the post I was heartbroken for him and his family, as you may remember he had brought his brother with him to the last Gathering in 2008. He sure was energetic showing his brother all the KRs and what his might be like in flying condition. He sent me a photo of himself sitting in his plane last fall, I spent all day long yesterday looking through file after file for that photograph. I have been upset about not finding it but I am continuing today looking as well. I have some photos of him from 2008 Gathering but have not found my 08 Gathering photos either, but I will. (I have done a lot of file moving in the past month, so I am disorganized) I talked to Rays brother this evening, he told me that Ray was feeling kinda bad so he went to the doctor on Friday around the 30th of January. During a scan a tumor was found on his pancreas. He didn't last long, less than 3 weeks from when he first felt bad, to his first doctor appointment, to Feb 13th. All of the emails below were some that Ray had sent to me in response to mine. We were talking about the next Gathering in 2009, maybe camping out etc. I believe he felt his plane would be ready to fly there to the Gathering this year, he was getting extra excited about it. He wanted to come down to the campfire the night we burned Georgia (the KR fuselage) but he felt obligated to stay with his brother and nephew and get them back to the hotel. I thought I would let you know what I know, I will continue to look for that photo of him sitting in his plane, it would be a great one to post somewhere. You can post this email if you want so others can get a feel for Ray and a little of what he was like. He did send me a photo of myself that he had taken this year. I am not photogenic at all so I emailed him back and said who is that, he looks retarded, he then emailed me back and said, Larry you need to be more kind to yourself" Ray Thanks, Larry Howell -------------- Larry, I do not know how I lost your last E-mail, but I cannot find it. I built the KR2S and made it 4 in. wider than plans. I also made formers for my canopy so I could make it taller. My canopy is made of plexiglass that I formed. It opens on the pilot side only. The windshield and side windows are clear. The top is grey. I also have a 3" wide console down the center. Ray Larry, I was just looking at the pictures that Mark Jones put on the net. Some were of the campers at the lake. It kinda made me "homesick." It has been several month since my son and I went camping. And we "cheated'. We were at the Mineral Wells State Park and stayed in a shelter. We have camped, tents that is , there and around the state, and sometimes with his sister. Maybe next year. Have a good week. Ray Larry, I had not intended to wait this long to E-mail you. It was good to get together with you and Joe and the others. I hope we don't wait until Gathering time, 2009 to get together again. I did want you to know that I really appreciate your inviting me to go to the campgrounds. I was a little tired, but since my brother is not into camping, I chose to to spend time with him. I saw the picture of the big campfire and it looked inviting. Were you burning the remains of the test boat section? I will definitely consider camping out next year. If my KR2S will carry both of us, we will fly, if you trust me that much. If we drive, there is Joe and John Sanders of Canyon Lake. There is also a guy who lives at Sherman, that was looking for a ride this year. I trust things will go well with you and yours, Ray Larry, Good to hear from you. You should see the hanger I have. Not exactly the neatest. I just rent space from a friend who no longer has a plane.It is a very good for me. And I have a partner who has a Taylorcraft, which has just been bought off for an annual after more than a year idle. He has health problems. He is also a partner on my KR2S. If we should have our planes ready in time for the 2009 Gathering, We can fly up together and ship the equipment. On second thought, with 2 planes, maybe we could fly the equipment.Tell me about your Corvair engine. I would like to have one in my plane. I did not see the man from Sherman. I forgot to take his name and look him up. Are you flying anything these days? I have not flown since 1991, I think. Let's do it---get flying, I mean. Ray