I was planning on finding a picture of Ray Goree for y'all, but Rich Hartwig beat me to it and forwarded one that Dan Freeman took at the 2008 KR Gathering. Anybody that's been to the Gatherings over the years will remember him as one of the perennials, and a really nice guy. I made a new place for "KRNetHeads" on www.krnet.org, so check him out at http://www.krnet.org/netheads/RayGoree.jpg . You can tell from the picture that he's just happy to be there, as we all are, when it comes to the Gathering.
I've been thinking for years that we need to revamp the "KR Yearbook" thing that Ross Youngblood started years ago, but I'm reluctant to do it because of the time and effort involved. If anybody wants to undertake that, you are welcome to it. I think it would be a great thing to have a gallery of KRnet members, their pictures, a picture of their plane or project, and a URL to any website they might have. It'd be nice to take a picture of everybody at the Gathering and feed them into it. The existing (and ancient) format that we already have at http://www.krnet.org/krnet_yearbook.htm works fine (although it's somewhat cumbersome to administer), but whatever else somebody else wants to do is better than nothing. Mark Langford, Huntsville, AL mail: N56ML "at" hiwaay.net website: www.N56ML.com