Steve Phillabaum wrote:

>> Looks like Langford in the right seat.? I guess I will plan a visit some 
>> upcoming weekend to see it and Mark.? If anyone on the route from 
>> Montgomery Alabama to Huntsville wants me to pick them up let me know off 
>> the net.? I have been looking for an excuse to go somewhere. Of course I 
>> will have to drive.? Mark does your chapter have anything planed?<<

Although you'd probably be safe to come up and look at it, I'd check with 
Gordy Seuell first to make sure it won't be locked in his hangar before I 
drove all the way over here.  He's around most of the time (he lives in the 
back of the hangar), but it's not guaranteed.  The third Saturday of the 
month is when Moontown has its fly-in breakfast, and that was last weekend 
(it was pretty much washed out though).  I did do all the 3D CAD work for 
the design and helped with the fueselage plug, but Larry hired a full-time 
body man to make the fuselage and wings/tail absolutely perfect.  There's 
not a ripple on that plane.  I don't know how it avoided winning Grand 
Champian at OSH, especially considering the originality of the design.  It's 
a truly awesome airplane.

Lionheart is at Moontown, which is the EAA/ultralight/soaring/classic plane 
place to be around here.  They have a 2200' grass strip, and the camaraderie 
something to behold.  My plane is at Hazel Green 
(, which is a 2600' asphalt strip 40' wide 
(formerly an 1/8th mile dragstrip back in the 50's).  It's a much more laid 
back airport, with a mixture of mostly older spam cans and a few Luscombes, 
Taylorcraft and that sort of thing, and three experimentals...a T-18, a 
Pietenpol, and my KR2S.  Hazel Green is much closer to my house, and the 
asphalt strip is never soggy...

Mark Langford, Huntsville, AL
mail: N56ML "at"

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