At midwinter we have a new canopy installed, and a new (very basic VFR) IP. The plane is physically sound and in grey primer. Temps here are below zero most nights and rarely to 32 at noon, so work will continue in April or May. In Spring I will repair one of the aeleron counterweights, and check out the engine, with new coil, plugs, wires etc and a tune up. Reinstall engine. When we have done a turn or two around the pattern I will contact this forum - and others - offer the old girl for sale again. She will be in primer, flyable with an annual inspection competed. Maybe as early as July, certainly by August. By then we will have a website for pictures and data....hope to hear from you then (except the dude who sent me the bouncing check of course). My plan is to sell it and have whoever buys it fly it home. Without a physical, my flying it to a buyer is best. Regards Jeff Prozzo