I just got my project back in my garage after 5 years. I'm trying to decide if I should sell it, finish it, or team up with someone interested in joining the project. Your interest, thoughts, ideas would be welcomed. Here are some details.
I began construction of KR2S #122 in September 1992 while living in N. Manchester, IN. Construction continued in Apple Valley, MN. There are 1697 hours in the project. The main gear is Diehl conventional. Wings have Diehl skins. The engine, Great Plains Type IV 2.6L, has been fitted to the fuselage and all the firewall attachments and routing have been worked out. Wings contain one nav antenna each. Horizontal stabilizer contains comm antenna. Elevator is mass balanced, internal. Access panels for tail have been installed. Strobes for wing tips and tail are installed. Two removable fuel tanks have been fitted and or installed including transfer pump. instrument panel tilts forward and is removable. I have complete Rand topskin/canopy package, instruments, battery, Sterba prop, spinner, AN hardware, foam, fiberglass, and wire. Anyone interest in learning more or sharing thoughts about this opportunity please email me at rlucas321...@hotmail.com. Thanks, Russ Lucas _________________________________________________________________ Send e-mail faster without improving your typing skills. http://windowslive.com/Explore/hotmail?ocid=TXT_TAGLM_WL_hotmail_acq_speed_122008