Larry H. wrote:

> How many hours do you have on the new bearing and engine now Mark????

42.3 hours of very smooth operation.  Oil pressure is exactly the same as 
first time I ran it (39.5 psi at cruise), so I suspect it's running well.  I 
plan to pull the bearing/cover off at 100 hours just to see how things are 
going, but I don't expect to find anything but smooth surfaces.

Somebody at Corvair College asked what kind of fuel consumption I get at 75% 
power, and I couldn't really answer it since I don't usually run it wide 
open at cruise, so I did that test on the way home.  At 7400' wide open, I 
was burning 5.1 gph turning 3350 rpm and getting 171 mph true airspeed, 
which translates to 33 mpg.  I usually fly higher than that and throttled 
back to about 3050 rpm, so on the way over I was at 11,500' getting 48 mpg 
at about 150 mph TAS.  I was also in the middle of recalibrating my fuel 
system (having replaced the fuel flow sensor along with the front bearing 
engine swap), and did the final "balance" after landing.  It's now accurate 
to within .2 percent, which is as close as the calibration procedure allows 
adjustment for...close enough for KR work...

Mark Langford, Huntsville, AL
email:  N56ML at

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