How do you keep water out of your KR?
Yeah, yeah, I know, keep it in the hangar.  However, I suppose you do
wash your KR once in a while.  You may have to park overnight outside in
the rain and perhaps even fly in the rain.  Of concern is the seal (or
lack thereof) around the canopy and that gapping hole around the
elevator and vertical stabilizer.  I have seen duct taped canopies at a
fly in or two; that seems to be likely hard on the paint.  There are all
manner of canvas covers too.
When water does get in, how do you get it out?  Mop up with a rag? Drain
holes?  Let the water dry up on its own?

Sid Wood
Tri-gear KR-2 N6242
Mechanicsville, MD, USA

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