20 more hours this weekend..

Last week it was finalizing the carb/intake/exhaust paths.

This week it was all new fuel lines/fittings, wired up all the remaining
efis stuff.  Installed the fuel primer pump, routed the primer tubing,
and finalized all those fittings (incl silver brazing the last bits of
it).  Refitted the gascolater with all new seals/gaskets, fittings,
o-ring, & hose.  New gascolater mount fab & install.  Found a yellow
jacket (bee) wintering in one of the fuel elbows. New fuel shutoff
valve, fuel sight guage (plastic tubing). Fab and install new tank
screen.  Changed the shutoff valve position so that it also shuts off
the bottom of the fuel guage tubing.

Discovered I may not be able to hook up the fuel lines to the tank, may
have to hire the 140lb neighbor's kid to climb under there and tighten
the last flare nuts.

Hooked up the manifold pressure guage and the manifold pressure sensor
for efis.

Trial fitted the carb heat stove (doubles as a heat shield).

fitted a temp probe for carb temp in the revmaster by carving some
material very near the fuel jet & needle opening in a spot that is under
the edge of the rubber coupling hose to the intake manifold.  As close
to that cold atomizing fuel as I can get without being in the air/fuel
mix itself.

This kr2 has the wings off, and I have not weighed it yet but seems nose
heavey. Sitting on the original stock retracts, I only have to add maybe
10 or 15 lbs to the nose (if that much) to raise the tailwheel off the

I am SO close to being able to fire this thing up!


N611GB  Puyallup, WA

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