Yes! With a rotary carb-air-box, mandetory carb temp. 
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Mark Langford" <>
To: "KRnet" <>
Sent: Friday, August 01, 2008 6:42 AM
Subject: Re: KR> Heat Source for Carb Heat

John Gotschall wrote:

> Has anyone tried a three-way carb heat valve
> 1) cold ram air       (Take Off)
> 2) warmer cowl air    (Cruise)
> 3) hot stove air      (Landing/Deice)

Mine is setup such that I can get any combination.  I take off with it cold,
and during cruise I like to set it up with about a ninety degree inlet
temperature.  You might think I'd be sacrificing some power, but if I am,
it's fairly undectectable.  What I lose in power I make up for in improved
mixture distribution, as the EGTs come a lot closer together running carb
heat, and the engine runs smoother with slightly better fuel consumption.
It's pretty much a wash, but the improved power spread between cylinders is
enough reason for me.

To answer the original question, it's just too easy to hook up "real" carb
heat not to do it.  One way to do it is at .

Mark Langford, Huntsville, AL
mail: N56ML "at"

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