> LOL. That's one way to tell if it is running (pumping). If there is an > audible "click", it is running. If it is too noisy to hear it, if you can > reach it, feel it. If it is running/clicking it will be vibrating...you > can feel it. If you can't do either, I guess that is what fuel pressure > gauges are for, huh? > > TL
Yep and I had a fuel pressure gauge right in front of my face and I never thought of looking at it. I was only seven miles out from the airport and when the engine would not rev past 2000 rpm, I immediately called the tower and reported inbound landing. Fortunately for me, the interstate was right below me all the way in and 2000 rpm was enough to keep me in level flight. It all happened so fast. After I touched down, I did happen to look at the gauge and seen no pressure so I switched to the back up pump and everything went back to normal. Silly me, if I had only had an emergency in flight check list...... Cause of the failure was a broken ground wire at the terminal. This event happened a year ago in 2006. Mark Jones (N886MJ) Wales, WI Visit my web site: www.flykr2s.com E-mail: flyk...@wi.rr.com