G'day John.

There's been quite a few things written on Turbo-ing a KR over the
years, so the Archives could yield a good wastegate.

Something I have briefly thought about, but not researched much, is
using a blow-off valve from some Doof-Doof Boy-Racer's Japanese Import.
You know the ones where they go tearing off the line and there is that
loud "Psssssst". After asking around and a brief google search, they
come in different sizes and pressure's, although I am not sure how
reliable they would be in an aviation environment. 

As I see it, you would only be using it to reduce manifold pressure if
you INadvertently over-boost your engine and it would be used much like
a warning light, dumping excessive pressure and giving you time to
reduce your throttle position. So it isn't used.

Another option is to use a small turbocharger that doesn't give you the
performance to overboost your engine. Afterall, unless you run a CSU,
your RPM will increase for a fixed MP as you climb due to the lower air
density. IIRC my theory component...

Just a thought.


Robin Wills
Second Person, Pacific National
KR-2 19-4594, Ser # N111


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