Well today I finished off the engine installation, and fired her up!!!!!! But I can not get the right bank to run. It only runs on the two left cylinders,
Stromberg CD Carburettor. It has compression, Spark, timing is right, fuel in both carb float bowls, spark plug leads are on in the right order. No blocked intake manifolds, Suction at the carb inlet. I removed the right carb, pulled it down, could not find any defects, fuel of fuel.refitted it, still the same, I coughed the carb manually, not change. No fuel getting to cylinders. Both R exhaust , were cold to touch, and cylinder head temps cold. left side hot. ??? I'll keep playing when I get time again. Must be a major block in that R carb, but the main Phil Matheson SAAA Ch. 20 VH-PKR Australia EMAIL: phillipmathe...@bigpond.com KR Web Page: www.philskr2.50megs.com http://www.vw-engines.com/