You can put it on a credit card if you can get one with a good 
rate. I have a visa platinum with a $10,000.00 line of credit most of them 
come with checks you can write as payment for your plane.
The best part about it, it's not a secured loan if you get out of work 
there's insurance that will make your payments. If things get real bad and 
you have to file bankrupt you loose nothing as it's an unsecured loan. With 
a secured loan you loose your plane if you cant pay for it.
        It's up to you to figure out the morality of it all, as for me the 
insurance that makes my payment if needed is well worth it. If Im going to 
put all that hard work into my plane I dont want to take a chance on loosing 
it no matter what. A little security goes a long way in the uncertian world 
we live in today. Just the way I see it others my have a different opinion 
im sure. 

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