Guys and Gals, I tried to send this e-mail earlier this week but I don't think it was published. This is in plain text.
The following is an account of why I=92ve been absent from the net since = Feb. 07. I am home now from the hospital and still recovering but alive and kicking. My quad heart by-pass in 1993 was a walk in the park relative = to this.=20 I can=92t take food orally yet except soft stuff like liquids like = jell-o and ect. I get my nourishment thru a feeding tube attached to my lower intestine. It takes about 12 hours at 100 ml/min. The stuff resembles = the nutritional drinks like Ensure. I haven=92t made much progress on the KR to date but that going to = change as soon as I gain more strength. I am working on a new canopy design which duplicates the Cirrus canopy. It=92s about 80% complete. The plugs for = the Plexiglas are 75%. Fiberglass is incomplete.=20 I will be fiberglassing the fuselage when I get the canopy done. = Painting is next. I will be updating the web site now that I have the time, it's coming = along ok. I have a lot of photos will be added to my web site. I am hoping to make it to the KR Fly In and EAA Oshkosh meeting.=20 We its 6:00 PM and I have to go upstairs to get hooked up for my stake = and potatoes [in liquid state]. Hope to see you guys soon. Ronald R. Eason Sr. President / CEO Ph: 816-468-4091 Fax: 816-468-5465=20 Our Attitude Makes The Difference -------------------------------------------------------------------------= -- Sent: Friday, January 26, 2007 2:29 PM Subject: My surgery date is set for Feb 2 07 Everyone, Well I talked to the Hospital and Surgeons nurses and the date of Feb 2, = 07; 7:30 @ North Kansas City Hospital is the place and date for the = operation.=20 I will be talking to all the Doctors to prepare for the event between = now and then. That=92s the news and I am looking forward to the business of getting well. Thanks for your prayers and your friendship, Ron Eason -------------------------------------------------------------------------= --- =20 Here is an update on Ron Eason: 2/5/07, [from Dana my daughter] He made it through 8 hours of surgery on Friday. His recovery will be difficult but Ron is determined. The cancer was more advanced than the doctors had expected. They did = remove the cancer but it has left him with very little stomach and esophagus. = The doctors say that he will be recovering in the hospital until February = 14.=20 He was moved from ICU Sunday afternoon and is recovering in room 404 at North Kansas City Hospital.=20 Thank you for your thoughts and prayers as they are still needed for us = all during this time. -------------------------------------------------------------------------= - Sent: Sunday, February 11, 2007 8:38 PM Ron is still in ICU and has been heavily sedated the past few days. He = will remain in ICU until maybe Friday. He still has pneumonia in one lung so = he is on antibiotics. His blood pressure has been running low, blood = oxygen is improving since he has been on a ventilator, liver enzymes are elevated = from all the drugs, gall bladder is now inflamed (haven't gotten the official report from the doctor yet). So it is still rough going and he is not = out of the woods. The nurses keep reminding us that he has gone through one = of the worst surgeries a person can have. The pathology reports came back. They did get all the cancer in the esophagus and stomach but 13 out of 14 lymph nodes came back positive. = So after he recoups from this stage, he will have chemo and possibly = radiation. Please pass this along to his fellow friends and keep the thoughts and prayers coming! Thank you, Dana No virus found in this outgoing message. Checked by AVG Free Edition.=20 Version: 7.5.472 / Virus Database: 269.8.1/822 - Release Date: 5/28/2007 11:40 AM =20