Robert Loer wrote:

> Did not somebody, Mark perhaps, just post a note about his trip to 
> Australia
> and a picture of a BD5 he watched fly?
> Is this not the same BD5 that just crashed? Pilot appears to be OK.

Yes, same one.  Here are two more pictures: shows Peter and 
his hangar mate flying formation at high speed, and shows Peter (on 
the right) talking to Don Railton (the guy that took me to Serpentine) about 
flying his BD5.  The paint scheme was adopted for a documentary that was 
shot earlier this year. You can see the engine access door is removed so we 
could see the Civic engine inside.  He'd had several forced landings with 
this setup, as is often the case with a totally "one-off" auto engine 
conversion of this kind.  The fllying demo that these two guys put on was 
quite impressive.  Fortuantely, Peter has another crated BD5 body in his 
hangar, so I expect another one to be in the works shortly.  He also has a 
KR project that could be flying in under a year...

Mark Langford, Harvest, AL
see homebuilt airplane at
email to N56ML "at"

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