Guys, I'm back from the airport again, I met with the manager and the site contractor. But first let it be known that I accept full responsibility for me and my plane. I am not going to act stupid, I am more aware of the conditions of the runway and the hazards of the work going on there than anyone. Supervising work such as this and more is what I do. We walked the run way and can see that the events are pretty much as I had stated. There is one short white mark several feet before the patch and I think that the tail hit there and the strut dug in several feet past the patch. The strut dug in after the main pivot bolt broke and dropped the nose wheel off. I didn't check for damage under the plane to see if the nose wheel hit anywhere else. The prop did not strike until several feet after that. I could tell that it was at idle as the tick marks from the prop were about 6 inches apart directly on the drag mark of the nose strut. It ran a lot longer than I thought as the prop strikes continued for a good 50 yards as the prop got smaller and smaller. Funny thing is it all occurred as I had once imagined that it might happen when I was working on the nose wheel and realized that there was a single point familiar possible. Any way thanks , but no lawyers or claims. The contractor may or may not offer me something and I may or may not accept that either. There is a lot more than usual involved here. We do millions of dollars of work with this outfit (They are one of the best there is). The foreman is a personal friend and the contractor has a pretty tough outlook on foreman that are held accountable for mistakes on a job. I won't put him through that either and he is already upset enough, more than me. Actually it was probably best all the way around that this happened to me and not some other plane. I'm willing to bet that the final repairs will be done by the middle of next week on the runway. I told them all that I would have much rather donated a $1000 towards resurfacing of the runway which is truly needed and not in the scope of work at this time. Any way how many of you guys can say that a contractor would ask you when you wanted go flying so they didn't have the runway closed for ya. It is nice to have friends. Thank you all for the best wishes and I won't be down for long and start boring you with don't you wish you were there stories. Which BTW I had put close to 30 hours on her in the past month. One last thought -- hmmmm I did install the tail wheel blocking when I built her????
Joe Horton Coopersburg, Pa.