Woke up this morning at 5:00 am but could not drag myself out of the bed till 5:30. You know an old man needs his rest. Anyway, got to the airport and had N886MJ prepped and ready to go at 6:30 am. Checked the weather: clear skies, visibility unlimited, winds 10 mph at 110 (straight down the runway). Called the tower and had to taxi to the far end of the airport which is just over a mile (5,880' runway). By then, the oil temps, oil pressure,head temps had all settled in for a nice flight. Called the tower and requested that I climb to 5,000' and stay in close proximity of the field. They cleared me to go. At lift off, I was indicating 3150 rpm and as I climbed out she settled in at 3350 rpm. Wow, that felt good and climb was steep. It was bumpy as Hades till 3,000' and then it was smooth as glass. I leveled off at 5,000' and closely monitored the engine gauges. I recorded them every fifteen minutes. Here are the results averaged: Cruising at 3000 rpm: EGT: 1320° Oil Temp: 215° Oil PSI: 30 CHT: 300° Right now I am one happy camper or should I say KR/Corvair flier. At 1.2 hours into the flight I called the tower and asked for clearance to land. The winds had shifted to 140° which gave me a 30° crosswind and were now steady at 25 mph gusting to 40 mph. As I descended through 3,000' things got real turbulent and the KR started bouncing all around. Great, this is going to be fun I thought. Anyway, as I crabbed her down to flare, I had to really test my flying skills. One small bounce and she was planted firmly. When I arrived at hangar, all temps etc. were great. There was no oil on the bottom of the plane and no oil leaks on the engine. Life is good again!!! YEEEEEEEEEEEEEHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
Mark Jones (N886MJ) Wales, WI Visit my web site: www.flykr2s.com E-mail: flyk...@wi.rr.com