Hello there. I am looking for a left side gull wing door for my kr2. The cockpit width is 34 inches. I will consider all options including a single full span bubble or a single full width door. Does any one have one for sale? I am open to any suggestions. I can try to build my own if someone can steer me in the right direction. Thankyou very much and have a nice day.
- KR> Fire Retardant Resin Additive Phil Matheson
- KR> Fire Retardant Resin Additive Mark Wegmet
- KR>New Email address PHILLIP MATHESON
- KR>Tap plastics resin Fred Johnson
- KR> (no subject) Kasey Heffernan
- KR> (no subject) Kasey Heffernan
- KR> (no subject) flapperpi...@aol.com
- KR> (no subject) Darren Crompton
- KR> (no subject) Robin Macdonald
- KR> (no subject) Darren Crompton
- KR> EAA SWRFI Brian G. Douglas
- KR> (no subject) Robin Macdonald
- KR> (no subject) Myron (Dan) Freeman
- KR> (no subject) william Clapp
- KR> (no subject) STEVE bennett
- KR> (no subject) larry dalton
- KR> (no subject) george anderson