After seven weeks of non-flying status, due to being out of annual, I started
the annual on the KR this past week.  I've been busy with new twin
grand babys, spring yard work of new flower beds, cleaning the water garden,
full-time part-time work, truck repair, etc., etc., etc...........

I found the #4 cylinder had a low compression reading, 80/40, which turned out
to be the intake valve.  It was the only cylinder that showed no 
record of being
worked on in the 2000 hours since factory overhaul.  The other three all
had readings of 80 over mid to high 70s.  I found a used cylinder (20 hours
since new) at a local salvage yard and should have it by Tuesday.  I hope
to have the annual completed by the end of the week and flying again.  I may
not get some needed re-painting done but I'd rather fly than 
paint.  I'll try to
get to that and the vinyl trim at a later date.  I sure would like to 
have it done
by Gathering time.

Summer flying season is here and I'm beginning to feel like a kid that wants
to go barefooted for the first time in the spring.  I'll follow up 
with a YEE HAA
report when I'm back in the air.

Larry Flesner

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