Eric Pitts made a comment in his last post about where he was at construction wise, that is something I feel is missing once in awhile you know from a motivational perspective. Langford continues to post updates on his already flying bird, but we don't see much from anyone else. I must confess I haven't either. What say yee? Anyone else willing to start talking about what they have accomplished on there project?
I'll start, though I haven't worked on mine in 4 weeks now (I went and bought my fiancé a horse and have quite a bit to do getting the ranch ready for him) but I will return to it after Easter. As of right now, I have the three stringers to install across the bottom of my fuse and some gusset blocks and I'm ready to start adding plywood to the boat. I also have to correct a small error in my tail post do to the dogs running into it while the glue set up and now is about 1-2 out of square to the right side looking from the firewall. Darn it! Anyone else??? Fred Johnson Reno, NV