>From: "Dan Heath" <da...@alltel.net>

> All the info on Oshkosh made me start thinking about our trek to Osh for 
> the
> 35th KR anniversary.  If we are to do this, is anyone coordinating lodging
> and ground transportation, or will everyone be on their own?

Lodging at Oshkosh within a 90 mile (yes 90 mile) radius of Oshkosh is 
usually booked solid a year in advance. Hotels which are in a 30 mile radius 
are booked solid years in advance. Last year all the KR guys camped out 
together in Camp Schoeller. That was a blast since it rained every night. I 
would have to say you are pretty much on your own for lodging and I would 
suggest you contact EAA if you need a room somewhere. They have folks who 
help you find a place to stay. You may get lucky and get a dorm room at the 
college if you hurry up and contact EAA. There are buses which run 
everywhere around Oshkosh for transportation and they set up a bus station 
on the grounds just for transportation. Personally, I am camping out again 
and am looking forward to it.

Mark Jones (N886MJ)
Wales, WI
Visit my web site: www.flykr2s.com
E-mail: flyk...@wi.rr.com 

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