Sorry, I'm just getting around to giving a rebuttal to this post. This information is not true. I have a completed and flying plane that used all the pre molded top and is widened 2 1/2 inches from the 2s plans. The pre molds are pretty flexible and there is still plenty of fabrication to do with them to make them fit. Janet advised me early on that 2 inches extra was doable. After I got the top decks and canopy frame it became obvious that I could have made the plane a little wider and still been alright with the pre molds. I would have to reread my construction log to know how much more it could have been. Off the top of my head I think that 3 inches wider could be done. The one cravat is that the shape should remain the same, in other words moving the widest point rearward to the shoulder area would be a problem to get things to fit well. Joe Horton, Coopersburg, Pa.
On Tue, 16 Jan 2007 02:34:52 -0500 "Colin Rainey" <> writes: > Hey Chris and welcome! > Mark L has stated many times here that the original RR parts that > can be > ordered only fit a stock KR2 or S, and most are modified in length > more than > just the S; almost all new construction have stated they are > definitely > wider. This precludes the use of any of the pre-molded stock, as > they will > not fit the increase in width.