The Icom radio performs really well as a radio, but what a pest to drive, I hate the fiddly key sequences to try and programme in a frequency, or even to manually set the frequency. When things go pear-shaped, fiddling with the Icom is not fun !
END>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I have programmed manually, but I have the software for programming on the PC. It is a simple task to just type in the freq you want. I use one bank for local flying, one for a regular route I fly up north, and then when I am planning a trip like the Gathering, I use one of the other 10 banks of 20 freq's and program in the frequencies along my intended route. That way, as I am flying I can just have the freq change knob function selected and it just takes one click to get to my next frequency enrooted. If I do need to enter a manual freq then I hit the "Clear" button and the radio goes into manual mode. I can then just enter the freq desired on the key pad. When I am ready to go back to the memory channels, it only takes two buttons and 1/2 a second and I am back on the bank freq's. Maybe at the next Gathering, some of the attending pilots can demonstrate their comm's to new or prospective builders so they can have a first hand experience with some of the different types available. Regards, Steve Glover Long-EZ N2121U (Former KR-2 N902G) AJO, Ca <>