
I had always been told you lose roughly 3% for every thousand feet you
go up with a normally aspirated engine. That would mean you'd be at 77%
@ 7500' and only 46% at 18,000. That's close to what you are saying and
is a general rule of thumb, I would imagine that you would have to
verify that to be sure.

Fred Johnson
Reno, NV

-----Original Message-----
From: krnet-boun...@mylist.net [mailto:krnet-boun...@mylist.net] On
Behalf Of Oscar Zuniga
Sent: Thursday, January 18, 2007 9:58 AM
To: kr...@mylist.net; corvaircr...@mylist.net
Subject: KR> % rated power

I don't remember which list this came up on so I'll send to both.
speaking, normally aspirated engines at wide open throttle will see
75% power at 7500' and 50% power at 18,000' density altitude.  That's 
assuming a whole host of things... proper mixture being one of them.

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