Flox is considered structural. Flox is chopped up cotten fibers mixed with 
resin. The ratio you mix it is up to you. It depends on what you are working 
on. You need to be able to spread it, so too dry makes that difficult, too wet 
may be too heavy so you just have to experiment with some of it to see what 
works for your application. You want it to be wetted out with epoxy resin 
throughout so it all is the same consistency. Typically flox would be used to 
radius an inside corner, for example attaching a bulkhead to the floor. 
Fiberglass strands do not like to make 90 degree turns because it wants to stay 
straight. Take the end of a stir stick (aka tongue depressor) put some flox on 
the end of it and wipe it down into the inside corner so the fiberglass cloth 
being laid from the verticle wall will curve across this radius of flox in the 
corner onto the floor, tieing the two together structurally.
Always when mixing flox or micro, mix the resin and hardener togher correctly 
first, then you add microspheres or flox to it. Do not pour all in your mixing 
cup at once and then stir.
When you have your pure resin mixed in your cup just add a little bit of 
microsperes or flox at a time while stirring until you get the consistency you 
desire then apply it to your project.
Larry H.

From: "bdazzca...@aol.com" bdazzca...@aol.com

I forgot.... whats the ratio of epoxy to flox? Using the glass beads and west 
system 105 with slow hardener. What should it look and feel like when 
applying? I need to flox everything including my firewall supports.

David Swanson

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