we recently discussed intercoms and after some searching I found the intercom I'm using that plugs directly in to hand held radios. It is the Pilot PA 200 IK that is listed in AS&S as I've included below. It makes for a very easy install for those using a hand held. The only radio, to my knowledge, that it does not work with is the Sporty's, at least the old one that I had. The Sporty's jacks in the radio did not match the single plug on the intercom. The intercom has a switch that you select King or ICOM radios as I recall. It works well with the JRC radio that is also carried by AS&S and is a great radio for the price. The single wire from the intercom to the radio is about 5 feet long as I recall. Varify any or all of this info before ordering.
PA 200 IK (for hand helds) P/N 11-11530 $125.00 <http://www.aircraftspruce.com/catalog/avpages//mailquote.php?pn=11-11530>Request Quote <http://www.aircraftspruce.com/catalog/avpages//neworderform.php?cmd=add&p=11-11530&q=1> [] Larry Flesner