Hey Netters,
 I very seldom reply to any of the BS.  My question is why is everyone so 
excited about something that was written by someone who won't even sign his 
name to a post. Here we go again with all the little statements like "Thanks" 
or "Me too". This seems to be a waste of bandwidth that doesn't contribute to 
anything KR!
 For what it's worth, my manual #7326, says on page 47 first paragraph, "The 
base of the studs is a special thread called a 3/8-NC5. It is not a 3/8-16 UNC 
thread. Helicoils are 3/8-16 UNC. If you install a helicoil in a case, you must 
resize the end of the stud with a very sharp 3/8-16 die. Use real cutting oil 
if you expect this to work. Grab the body of the stud in a vise with soft jaws 
and clamp it very tight." 

Dennis Dyer
Pine, CO

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