At 05:22 PM 1/10/2007, you wrote:
>   Larry Flesner made mods to his and has had no problems with
>his KR, and used an aircraft engine, and has had no problems with that one

Many of the mod's I made had been done before and appeared to me
as improving the design.  The 24" stretch improved handling, the 0-200
increased power and reliability , longer gear improved the three point
attitude, Pipers have been flying for decades with wing tanks only, and
on and on.  I did not modify the basic structure.   The forward deck,
fixed windshield, gull wing door , and turtledeck were one of a kind
built without plans but there again they were not breaking new
aerodynamic ground.  270 hours of grinning from ear to ear at
this point would indicate it all worked out pretty well.  :-)

Larry Flesner

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