Eduardo Navarrete wrote:

> thanks for your answers. i want to put the wood sheets
> between the ribs. do you know the thickness of the
> polyurethane foam that are between the ribs ??

What I had in mind was stretching very thin sheets (like 1mm or less) over
the ribs so that no sanding is required.  Then cover that with whatever
number of layers of fiberglass that the plans call for.  I'll bet that would
result in a skin that would never delaminate, unlike fiberglass on urethane
foam.  I think KR foam is normally 1" and 2" thick, depending on where it is
in the wing.  I'd think if you used balsa that thick and tried to sand it to
shape, it would be fairly heavy.

Mark Langford, Huntsville, Alabama
see KR2S project N56ML at
email to N56ML "at"

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