>What kind of wing tips are you all using? >Jeff ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Check mine at http://www.kr2s.com/KR2006/2006KR30.JPG It is a Horner style tip. I didn't know it would turn out that way when I started building them. I was looking for a way to make both tips the same. I added the tip foam and sanded the top side to shape and glassed it. I sanded the tip straight and turned the wing over. Using a hacksaw blade I biased it along the finished top edge and two inches in on the bottom side, using the line between two pieces of foam for a guide. After a bit of hand finishing I glassed the bottom side. If I were doing it again I would probably go in 4 inches on the bottom side for a greater angle on the bottom. I have the RAF48 and can only assume this process would work with the new airfoil. There are probably more efficient tips but I was looking for "easy" at the time. Larry Flesner