At 09:40 AM 12/30/2006, you wrote: >Question # 1 where to put it. # 2 How to record it. # 3 can I have >more than 1 camera view. I would like to have a camera in the >cockpit, and one on the wing.
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Mark mentioned the little spy camera. I've seen one that was ordered off the net from China for $25 ? or so and is wireless. It was about the size of a small wireless audio mike (lapel mike). It transmits to a unit that you plug into your video camera, I assume carried in the cockpit. If I get around to mounting one I would like to mount it on the bottom of the fuselage, maybe even on the bottom side of the tail wheel spring mount, and show the main gear. I think that would be an awesome view. Go for it. Larry Flesner