I just don't get it, some of you guys will never learn or should I say "listen". Did you guys not read Mark Langford's post? If there are any post on this net which should be read, then they are his! When Mark speaks, listen to him, because you will learn something. But what kills me is the fact that you can not learn how to correctly post on the net. The rules are simple: 1) Post informative information. 2) Keep or change the subject line to reflect the topic. 3) In replying, ALWAYS DELETE ALL EXCESS WORDAGE except what is needed to carry on the thread. 4) Learn to use spell check. It will make you look smarter even if you are not. 5) KEEP THE USELESS CHIT CHAT OFF the net.
This post is not meant for everyone on the list. It is meant for those who simply do not care about following simple rules. Mark Jones (N886MJ) Wales, WI Visit my web site: www.flykr2s.com E-mail: flyk...@wi.rr.com