As a side note, an easy way to think of an ammeter is to think of it as a
pressure gauge. It measures the amount of pressure (watts/amps) your generator
or alternator is capable of producing or pushing through the positive out wire
when load is applied. When you turn on things like electronic ignition system,
radio, lights etc, the pressure will go up. As stated here by Larry the ammeter
is placed in line, this means that the wire from the alternator plus side
attaches to the ammeters in pin and the same circuit/wire continuing on wire
attaches to the other pin on the gauge out side (just like a light switch). DO
NOT attach the positve wire to one terminal and the negative wire to the other
terminal on the back of the ammeter, weird things might happen !
Same goes for me, if I have misstated anything here, then those more
knowledgeable correct me.
Larry H.