Folks I am concerned about claims that you can establish attitude using the compass 'dip" or a ball on string from the roof. Fact is you cannot and that is why gyros were adopted. In a balanced turn of any degree of bank both of the above methods will be indistinguishable from normal level flight as indeed are your ear canals. Surely we all know this. The correct VFR method is to chuck the hangar cat out the window...... if it goes up you're upside down. Remember Bob Hoover can loop an Aero Commander without the water in a glass coming out. Centripetal force is replacing big G. Seriously though, without an AH, you must use limited panel techniques combining input from a number of instruments at once (and a cat).
John Martindale 29 Jane Circuit TOORMINA NSW 2452 AUSTRALIA phone: 61 2 66584767 (H) 61 2 66869075 (W) mobile: 0403 049990 email: web: