I guess I'm whipping a dead horse here and expect to be brought up on the 
carpet but I was looking at Warp Drive props recently and although they've had 
some problems with hubs cracking and prop blades separating it seems to be with 
the lighter weight hubs and not their HP hubs, otherwise they're pretty bullet 
proof. Seems that the props aren't optimum for faster airplanes as they don't 
have any washout and have a constant pitch from the root to the tip and what 
happens  on faster airplanes is they end up cavitating towards the root and 
become inefficient. Another consideration is their 2 blade props aren't 
recommended for 4 cylinder engines production or otherwise as they are prone to 
inducing distructive  stresses on the hubs between power pulses but work well 
on 6 cylinder engines also stresses are imposed when the prop cavitates that 
are hard on the hubs and cranks. Seems the 3 blade props correct the problem 
but from what I've gleaned about props is for a faster
 airplane a 2 blade prop is more efficient as the third blade is only more drag 
as the extra bite you might get from the third blade is not counteracted by the 
additional drag the third blade imposses and you actually end up on the 
negative side in the drag department. This is by no means the definitive answer 
just food for thought

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