Well guys, the smoking gun on my ignition problems has been found. Last weekend, at the request of William Wynne, I removed my distributor and shipped it to him next day air for him to test my distributor on his machine. What was found was that the shaft was worn extensively at the upper bushing. It was actually oval shaped at that spot. The bushing itself showed no signs of wear. This allowed the shaft to wobble as it turned which would create the hiccup in my ignition when that sweet spot appeared. This distributor had approximately 150 run time hours since I built the engine with 134 of those being actual flight time hours. The cause for this wear is speculated to be an inappropriately clearanced high volume oil pump which I installed on my engine. After having in-depth conversations with William and William with Gus Warren, we have decided that I will remove the rear distributor housing and also send that to William for analysis. William and Gus feel that I have most likely worn the aluminum housing where the lower shaft rides, which will also allow even more wobble of the shaft.
Mark Jones (N886MJ) Wales, WI Visit my web site: www.flykr2s.com E-mail: flyk...@wi.rr.com