        Well I finally got 357CJ home today. Three trips to Florida in 2
weeks. I'm the only person I know that is willing to go broke to get to a
free seminar. 
        I need to publicly thank every one that helped with contacts and
support to get my bird home and especially William and Gus for housing
the plane for 2 weeks  and taking care of it. Thank You very much.       

        I left Massey at about 7:10 this morning and had anticipated head
winds all the way North to PA. I surprised to be making 165 ground speed
until just north of Jacksonville. At that point I climbed to 5500 and
speed dropped  to about 138 ground speed. This continued through most of
South Carolina. At that point I started to pick up 1 or 2 miles an hour
every 50 to 75 miles traveled. By the time I had to stop for fuel in
upper North Carolina I was making about 150 ground speed I was pretty
happy about that. I was not running full throttle like I usually do. I
ran at 3180 rpm which gave an indicated of 150 mph airspeed. as it turns
out this gives me a fuel burn of 5.2 gals/hour. This was 3.5 hours into
the trip home and I had used 20 gals with ground operations and climbs.
The weather was absolutely gorgeous all up the East coast and the wind
had gone to light. After climbing back to 5500 in a long cruise climb I
found the ground speed continued to increase up to 155 now and for the
rest of the trip it did the same with the finial glide into Quakertown at
185 ground speed.  Although I did go to full throttle the last 80 miles.
(had to pee ya know)
Landed at UKT at 1:40 pm with about 6:10 in the air on the return trip.
The trip down 2 weeks ago was only slightly faster at 5:50 in the air
        For any one that didn't know I had the prop balanced while at
CC#10 and I  have to say it was worth it. Arnold had said that I may not
even notice it in feel but I could. It is hard to believe that the
corvair could be any smoother but it was. I may even put mufflers on
someday now to make things nice and quite. 
Joe Horton, Coopersburg, Pa.

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