I will admit up front that I, like all of you, am getting older so sometimes things may get a little fuzzy without taking the time to go back and check things out. My memory of the GAW1 is that it had some sudden stall characteristics. Dr Whitcomb developed the GAW 2 which had the same laminar flow characteristics, good high speed capability and is the better airfoil of the two. The Glasair line of low wing aircraft use the GAW 2, it is the airfoil I had planned to use on my KR 15 years ago. A group of you took the time to develop a new airfoil for the KR so that is the one I have used on my KR, thanks guys. Larry H.
The GAW-1 airfoil is a spin off from the first Supercritical airfoil tested in flighton the Navy 2TC trainerand as I said in my eariler post we used thickness of 0.075 at the trailing edge. Yours is slightly thicker but should be O.K. This airfoil is also used on the very easy wing and was shown to have 50 % laminar flow . Jim