Netters, since it is now getting dark here at 5pm, I decided to get up this 
morning at 4:45am and capture some early air before going to work. If you 
recall, my last flight had a hiccup which caused me some concern and I quickly 
returned to the airport. This morning, I flew using my alternate ignition 
system thinking this would be a test of components. If nothing happened on this 
system then there must be a failing component on the other system. I was only 
able to fly about a half hour but there was no problems with the electrical 
system. There was no hiccups on this flight. I am still amazed at the power 
this engine has now that I am getting use of all six cylinders. When I take 
off, my climb out is so fast and steep, it feels like I have rocket power. My 
plane has never climbed like this and it feels sooooooooo good. My airport has 
a 5800' runway and I was at 500' agl when I crossed the departure end of the 
runway. That is when I turned crosswind. I actually reached pattern altitude as 
I turned downwind. Then I looked at my speed and I was indicating 140 mph. 
That's when the tower called me cleared for the option. Well I started my 
decent to the runway and turned base and was too fast and wide so I s-turned it 
back in for a touch and go. Horrible landing...I bounced and I rarely do that. 
Raised the flaps and went back up. The only thing I noticed during this flight 
was that my mixture was all over the place and I was continually chasing the 
led lights on the mixture gauge. Hopefully, I can get some more flight time in 
this weekend if the weather is good. Thay are calling for a rain/snow mix 
starting tomorrow.

Mark Jones (N886MJ)
Wales, WI
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