David asks-

>poly-tak..... is that what I should use between my foam and fiberglass?

No... don't do it!  Unless you're using urethane foam, the solvents in 
Poly-Tak (and all the other Poly-Fiber system components) will dissolve the 
foam right before your eyes.  Poly-Tak is the "glue" that is used to secure 
unshrunk fabric to the framework of a fabric-covered airframe, either wood 
frame or steel tube.  It is part of a complete system of fabric covering 
components and the only place I can think of that it could be used on a 
composite project is in the case where fabric is to be applied directly over 
wood.  Just not sure why you'd do that, when you can use the proven method 
of applying a very light and fine weave fiberglass "deck cloth" over your 
plywood and preserve the complete system of composite epoxy resin that 
you'll be using throughout your airplane.

Besides, Poly-Fiber stuff isn't cheap!  And not only that, Poly-Tak can set 
up real quickly, much more quickly than any laminating resin or microballoon 
slurry that I've ever used, and is generally only worked a small section at 
a time.  My two cents: don't even think about it!

Oscar Zuniga
San Antonio, TX
mailto: taildr...@hotmail.com
website at http://www.flysquirrel.net

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