Netters, There was a pretty good turn out at the Copperstate Fly-in. Jeff Scott with his KR2 and mine "snakebite". I was parked out in the "back 40" \due to the fact that I flew in after noon on Saturday. I had a good trip to S. Calf, with Steve Glover. My wife and I spent the night there Wednesday. Thank you again Steve. Great steaks and a very good breakfast the next day, It was not needed but appreciated. Steve was unable to attend Copperstate with his "Pretty" Longeze due to work. Lots and lots of planes. I think the only bad part was the lack of organization on the parking. All of the planes were mixed in with each other. new, old, certified, homebuilts etc. Today was a little breezy but down the runway. The wind went calm about 4:30 and it was a fast low flight of 15 minutes back to the homeairport. Jimmy Buffett and a fly-in in 1 week wow a perfect week.
Lee build like there is no tomorrow.