Here is a quick update on the 2006 Gathering finances. I've spent several hours counting cash and going over the numbers this morning and I think these figures are correct. I will be forwarding the info to Bob Lee so he can update the Gathering web page. These are not the final totals as I have a few un-cashed checks for some shirts to mail as well as having approx 18 shirts left that I will make available in the next few day. Several of you have indicated you want another shirt and I will prioritize your request. Give me some time to catch up on the details.
Larry Flesner Beginning Balance 3575.26 Awards 110.73 Hats / shirts total 2909.16 Misc 72.09 Banquet expense 966.00 Airport facilities usage 250.00 Banquet ticket sales 1380.00 Hats/ shirts sales 2730.00 Banquet donations 580.00 _________________________________________ Total Expenses 4307.98 Total Income 4690.00 Current Balance 3957.28* *We may have several hundred dollars in additional hat and shirt sales.