>From: "Dan Heath" <da...@alltel.net> >Date: Sun, 1 Oct 2006 18:58:23 -0400 (Eastern Daylight Time) > >Sorry the links did not come through properly: > >Any ideas? Current view of the air baffling is at: > >http://krbuilder.org/FirewallForward/index.html
Dan, I looked at your baffling pictures and will throw this one out as a possibility. It looks in the pictures as if your front baffling floor is flap with the cowl inlet air hitting your front two cylinders flat. If that is the case (if that is not the case, refer to prior Saturday Night Live.."Never Mind":=), you might be getting turbulant air not flowing into the back of the cowling. Looks at the following picture of the same area on mine: http://rvflying.tripod.com/baffling.jpg You will notice the floor starts at the bottom of the jugs but has a bend in it to direct the air up for a nice smooth transition up and over the top half of the cylinder. Just a thought. Dana Overall 1999 & 2000 National KR Gathering host Richmond, KY i39 RV-7 slider, Imron black, "Black Magic" O 360 A1A, C/S C2YK-1BF/F7666A4 http://rvflying.tripod.com/id30.html do not archive _________________________________________________________________ Share your special moments by uploading 500 photos per month to Windows Live Spaces http://clk.atdmt.com/MSN/go/msnnkwsp0070000001msn/direct/01/?href=http://www.get.live.com/spaces/features