        Congratulations!  I'll pass on to you the best advice I got when I
had my airman medical and biennial flight review one year:

When I thanked the doctor at the end of the exam, he said, "The best way you
can thank me is to fly safely."  Believe it or not, I still hear his voice
sometimes in my head, reminding me that staying on the safe side is part of
continuing to enjoy flying for years to come.

When I did my BFR, the instructor signed my logbook at the end and then
said, "THAT is your permission to keep improving your skills as a pilot." 

Rich H. Meyer
Millersburg, IN

-----Original Message-----
 Subject: KR> Pilot's Licence

Be it know to all that on 9/29/06, Ron Smith became a Private Pilot.
It is the fulfillment of a dream I have had since I was a young boy.
It only took me 48 years to get there. I'm on cloud 9 ............literally.

Ron Smith
Cypress Ca U.S.A.

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