
I got my plane put back together this afternoon after the WXWORX Nexrad 
installation.  I had time to wash it a little before I flew it, including the 
engine.  It was a gorgeous afternoon for flying.  The only thing left on my 
list was transponder antenna installation, and I'm about 75% done with that.  
Need to drill a hole, stick down some copper tape,  install the antenna, and 
tie down the cable and I can call it done.  I'm having a problem with the 
serial to USB cable that's supposed to port EIS to my laptop (which has no 
serial port), but if I don't get it fixed I may fly without EIS data, but I'll 
have weather, and it looks like I'll need it in northern Iowa tomorrow and 
Thursday morning.  Should make it into the Gathering Thursday afternoon 
sometime, depending on weather...

Mark Langford, Huntsville, Alabama
see KR2S project N56ML at
email to N56ML "at"

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