I just got the Oshkosh forum recordings I ordered yesterday.  I got from
1973 to 1978.  I listened to the first one today.  This was when there were
only a few KR-1s flying and the KR-2 plans were not available yet.  It was
really a great forum and I learned a lot about the early KR.  I was too
young to ever get to meet Ken and it was great to hear him talk about the
KR.  They are on CD and the audio quality is good.  Questions from the
audience were a little hard to hear, but I do think I heard some guy named
Virg talking about building by the plans.

I will bring them all to the gathering for everyone's listening enjoyment.
Can someone bring a CD boom box so we can set them up in the terminal

Brian Kraut
Engineering Alternatives, Inc.

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