        Thanks to everyone that expressed an opinion on the direction I
should move for the cracked block. The decision is to try welding and
move on from there when I see how it turns out. I did talk to John at
Clark's and he informed me that he has never seen a cracked block. He
also indicates that the aluminum in the block casting is typically of
good quality and usually better than the heads. ( If Lon is reading I
wouldn't mind hearing his opinion) I will steel plate the mating surfaces
to keep them in shape, and V'ing out the crack was planned on doing with
several passes of weld. Putting cold packs on one side is something that
i have to research a little to see for myself if it is something I can do
and control the results. All the parts I need to have it back together
are ordered and will be in my hands on Wednesday. It should be no problem
to have it installed over the next weekend  and ready to fly to the
Gathering. Don't expect to hear much from me between now and next

Joe Horton, Coopersburg, PA.

On Mon, 18 Sep 2006 03:52:04 EDT writes:
> Hi Joe. If you can find another block real quick I think you should 
> use it.  
> I think the material will have a certain amount of oil impregnation 
> and make 
> it  difficult to weld. I have never seen a welded block and don't 
> know how 
> airworthy  it would be. Good luck.
> Regards,
> Steve
> _________________________________________________________

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